Nationale Sportvereine
GSCA - Gehörlosen Sportclub Aarau
GSVbB - Gehörlosen Sportverein beider Basel
GSCB - Gehörlosen Sportclub Bern
IGSVL - Innerschweizer Gehörlosen und Sportverein Luzern
GCSG - Gehörlosenclub St. Gallen
GSVZ - Gehörlosen und Sportverein Zürich
DTW - Deaf Team Winterthur
SSTS Lugano - Società Silenziosa Ticinese dei Sordi
SSV - Société des Sourds du Valais
ASV - Association des Sourds Vaudois
SGSV-FSSS Sportabteilungen
Abt. Beachvolleyball
Abt. Curling
Abt. Mountain Bike
Abt. Ski Alpin
Abt. Schiessen
Internationale Verbände
Deaflympics - Internationale Sportorganisation
EDSO - Europäische Sportorganisation
APDSC - Asia Pacific Deaf Sport Confederation
CADS - Confederation of African Deaf Sports
PANAMDES - Pan American Deaf Sports Organization
Internationale Sportverbände
Confederacion Argentina Deportiva de Sordos
Armenian Sports Committee of the Sport
Deaf Sports Australia
Österreicher Gehörlosen Sportverband
Federation Royale Sportive des Sourds de Belgique
Confederaçâo Brasileira de Desportos dos Surdos
Bulgarian Deaf Sport Federation
Canadian Deaf Sports Association
China Sports Association for the Deaf
Chinese Taipei Sports Association of the Deaf
Croatian Deaf Sports Association
Dansk Dove Idraetsforbund
Estonian Deaf Sport Union
Finnish Athletic Association of the Deaf
Deutscher Gehörlosen Sportverband
UK Deaf Sport
Hellenic Athletic Federation of the Deaf
Hongkong Sports Association of the Deaf
Hungarian Deaf Sport Federation
Irish Deaf Sports Association
Israel Deaf Sports Organization
Federazione Sport Sordi Italia
Japan Deaf Sports Federation
Latvijas Nedzirdïgo Sporta Federäcija
Lithuanian Sport Committee of the Deaf
National Sports Federation of the Deaf of Macedonia
Koninklijke Nederlandse Doven Sport Bond
Deaf Sports Federation of New Zealand
Norges Doveidrettskomite
Polska Federacja Sportu Nieslyszacych
Liga Portuguesa de Desportos para Surdos
Russian Committee of Deaf Sports
Saudi Deaf Sport Committee
Sportna Zveza Gluhih Slovenija
South African Deaf Sports Federation
Federaciôn Espanola de Deportes Para Sordos
Svenska Dövidrottsförbundet
Turkish Deaf Sport Federation
Ukraine Deaf Sports Federation
USA Deaf Sports Federation
Federacion Venezolana Polideportiva de Sordos