

The Swiss Deaf Sports Federation SGSV-FSSS is the main organization of the deaf sports in Switzerland. It promotes the mass- and competition sports of the deaf and persons hard of hearing.

The SGSV-FSSS has fixed for the years 2008 – 2012 the following strategical working priorities:

  • Promotion of the rising generation
    The SGSV-FSSS makes a strong effort to enable deafs and persons hard of hearing  an early access to the regular sport. Deafs and partially persons hard of hearing, who are integrated in regular schools should find the access to the SGSV-FSSS and be furtheron promoted with regard to the sport. It supports and promotes especially the rising generation and young people in Switzerland and works actively with all the concerned institutions.

  • Courses and education
    The SGSV-FSSS makes a strong effort that all sportsmen, leaders and coaches get a qualitative education and continuing education (courses, trainings, seminars, education and continuing education a.s.o) The committees and directors of the associations will be educated.

  • Finances
    The SGSV-FSSS pursues an active sponsoring/funds procurement in favour of the sports support for the younger generation, for the mass sports and  the competition sports.

  • Federation politics
    The SGSV-FSSS aims at a national and international interlinking of the deaf- and hearing organizations. It informs, cooperates and communicates actively and is the representative of the deaf sport in Switzerland. The SGSV-FSSS concentrates on all the persons who are interested in the deaf sport.

    The agency of the SGSV-FSSS is organized centrally and leads her offers and services professionally and efficiently.